Flash Fiction

Noodler, His Hands on Backwards JMWW 2024

You Asked Me Once About a Great Love, an Absence, an Edge Identity Theory 2024

>substack - with video recording

Don't Look at the New Moon Through Glass in Heavy Feather Review 2024

>with audio recording

† mini interview

How do you explain the gap in your resume?

Seeking: French Hornist for a Community Marching Band of the Dead in Black Lily Issue 1 2024 {print only}

† hybrid flash fiction and collage artwork by me

Polly Pocket Planned Parenthood in HAD 2024

Burnout, major depression, getting my MSW…

Forming a Bruise in Roi Fainéant 2023

He’s Afraid of all the Happiness in JAKE 2023

Heart of Gold in Ellipsis Zine 2023

Bowling Shoes by Noel Streatfeild in Rejection Letters 2023

Magicicadas in Dead Fern Press 2022

{currently offline}

Infanticide in DOGZPLOT 2012

Source: undefined
